Paladd = add_r, add_g, add_b (int) See below. These parameters specify palette effects that are applied repeatedly to successive frames in the afterimage. In one application of these palette effects, first the paladd components are added to the afterimage palette, then the components are multiplied by the palmul multipliers. These effects are applied zero times to the most recent afterimage frame, once to the second-newest afterimage frame, twice in succession to the third-newest afterimage frame, etc. Timegap = value (int) This parameter controls how many frames to skip between saving Valid values are 0-255 for the paladd components, and any non-negative float value for the palmul multipliers. Player frames to the history buffer for afterimage display. To save every third frame (forĮxample), you would use timegap = 3. Framegap = value (int) Every value'th frame in the history buffer will be displayed as anĪfterimage.